Go Your Own Way
meandering memories up a staircase and down a hall
saint paul, MN
custom printed WALLPAPER
Photography Judith Marilyn
This creative and loving family embarked on the She She design process fully open to what would materialize as the final product. They weren’t looking for a specific type of pattern or any specific color-way, they didn’t even know which room it was going to end up in - they just knew they would know when it was right. So, off we went learning about their favorite restaurants in Chelsea, the skinny jeans that were worn the first time they saw each other, their past lives and their current ideologies. This family toile really embraces their own definition of “family,” and shows off their way of living and glorifies the family tree that they have created for themselves.
This toile ended up making their house sing in every way we had hoped. When you know, you know.