Our Bird Obsession
So, we have a thing for birds. So far it's primarily art related but we are definitely aspiring birders and our holiday gift to each other could very realistically be membership to the Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union.
They have a way of sneaking into so many of our patterns. It's definitely unintentional - a bird just always seems needed to make the pattern sing.
It all started with our second pattern, Paco y Maria. We made a pattern based off of a trip we took to San Francisco where we saw wild parrots flying through one of our favorite neighborhoods. Once we started painting them on the wall, they became characters in our minds and we developed full personalities for these two love birds (parrots). We gave them accessories that we thought fit them and giggled as we created past lives into the wee hours of the morning, paintbrushes in hand.
Then, we must have been hooked.
Our next set of love birds were inspired by our clients for their gorgeous entryway in "A Minnesotan and her Dane."
Followed by a colony of "Freebirds," accepting all their different shapes, sizes and colors living harmoniously in their third floor walk-up bathroom.
We took our second bird pattern for The Bluebird Group to a new level by creating bird nests in our hair for the photoshoot - is it chic? We think so.
Larger, more iconic birds started playing a role with our cranes for The Coven, and finally, Jenny immortalized her entire family as ostriches after the birth of her first daughter, Kit. This is normal, right?
Next on the list? We are writing a second chapter in the story of "Paco y Maria." Are they still together? Were they able to make it work and fly the distance? Story drops mid-Summer 2021.