The Al Fresco Collection
With a nod to our collaboration with Mott50, we use the existing artwork for the Fresco Crush swimwear line, while reworking the pattern and colorways to bring our Al Fresco collection to life.
There's something pretty special about sitting by the seaside and eating local fruits while getting to know a new place. Our hope is for that salty glow to wash over you each time you pass by your Al Fresco covered walls. It's the little things.
The camaraderie and vibrancy of Curaçao vibrates through our Bon Bini colorway. Bon Bini means "Welcome!" in Dutch and can be seen on nearly half of the buildings throughout the ABC Islands of the Dutch Caribbean.
Our tonal Rustig color-way is laced with a sense of serenity. The warm, cream ground with black linework allows one's eyes a place to rest. Rustig means "calm" in Dutch, which is the motive with this colorway for this otherwise busy pattern.
Curacao definitely did not disappoint - it brought out our creativity, checked us out of our social calendar and let us explore a new community full of history and natural beauty. Our goal is to bring this overwhelming sense of peace to your home with this pattern. Enjoy!