The Wonder of WED


An event that never disappoints our hearts is Women's Entrepreneurship Day. We have been honored to partner with them for two years to celebrate success stories and get inspired with other like-minded women.

With the help of MCAD and Highpoint Center for Printmaking we have been able to create and gift these walls of one-of-a-kind screenprints and risograph prints to attendees of Women's Entrepreneurship Day.

Highpoint Center for Printmaking has let us in after hours two years in a row, donating their equipment and their time to help us create these prints. Each year, when we leave Mia after a day of storytelling we're surrounded by this "perma-hug" feeling without fail, and we hope that by gifting these pieces of art to the attendees, when they look at them in their home, they get the same sensation throughout the year.

If you were unable to attend in 2019, we have prints available in our shop so we can hug you all year too :)

If you are unfamiliar with this celebration, take a moment to get acquainted with this video and join us at the event in 2022.


Ditch. Gallery


She She Designs a House